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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Soma 2011-02-14, 10:20 am

Az utolsó kettő erős. A többi hidegen hagy. Very Happy

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-14, 10:14 am

Megjöttek a varázstárgyak a sereghez jóltessék figyelni 8 azaz NYOLC darabot tartalmaz mindösszesen... lehet sírni most!

Battleaxe of the Last Waaagh! - 100pts (Weapon)
+d6 to Strength and Attacks, half that bonus as penalty to weapon skill

Basha's Axe of Stunty Bashin' - 50pts (Weapon)
+1 Strength and Attack, double that bonus plus fear vs Dwarves

Armour of Gork - 100pts (Armour)
+d3 Toughness (roll first time you are hit in the turn and that bonus stays for the entire turn), also gives Impact Hits (d6)

Lucky Shrunken Head - 50pts (Arcane Item)
Ability I cannot remember, also increases Savage Orc Warpaint ward save from 6+ to 5+, increases Wurrzag's to 4+. Savage Orc shaman or great shaman only.

Morks Spirit Totem - 100pts (Banner)
Unit gains Magic Resistance d6 (rolled first time the unit is hit by a spell, lasts the whole turn). Also no enemy magic items in base contact with bearer will work.

Spider Banner - 50pts (Banner)
Goblin BSB only (specifically says night goblins cannot take it). Unit gains Poisoned Attacks.

Bad Moon Banner - 50pts (Banner)
Night Goblin BSB only. Unit gains stubborn and soft cover. Models that charge into base contact with unit must make dangerous terrain test.

Skull Wand of Kaloth - 75pts (Enchanted Item)
At beginning of combat phase pick a model in base to base with user, Ld test or die no saves of any kind allowed. User also causes terror.


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Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.
Tartózkodási hely : Budapest

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Toma 2011-02-11, 5:00 pm

Boci írta:Most olvastam, hogy a manticnál (aka Kings of War) felbukkant a hír, hogy készítik az ork dobozt (like a zombie és ghoul) úgyhogy lesz változatosság öröm preorder és gombasör Smile
Örülnék ha lenne szép nagy adagban...

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Soma 2011-02-11, 4:45 pm

Boci írta:Most olvastam, hogy a manticnál (aka Kings of War) felbukkant a hír, hogy készítik az ork dobozt (like a zombie és ghoul) úgyhogy lesz változatosság öröm preorder és gombasör Smile

Kíváncsi vagyok rá, mert - bár nincs olyan sok fajta - de nagyon jók az élőholt modellek! Ha orkok is ilyen királyak lesznek, lehet, hogy mutatóba magamnak is beszerzek 1-2 egyedet.

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-11, 4:42 pm

Most olvastam, hogy a manticnál (aka Kings of War) felbukkant a hír, hogy készítik az ork dobozt (like a zombie és ghoul) úgyhogy lesz változatosság öröm preorder és gombasör Smile


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Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.
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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Dugó 2011-02-11, 3:19 pm

Jó lesz higyjétek el!
Amúgy a Skaven könyvbe is kevés a magic item és még kevesebb a használható..ez a tender..ne varázstárgyból játsz hanem unitból hogy vegyé még több figurát!!:-)
Amúgy ami fent van az k..jól néz ki..főleg az a pók!..

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-11, 11:59 am

Azt látod, hogy a night gobbó sámánnak kötelező gombásznia? Very Happy
Igaz csak 1-re bassza el és akkor is csak 50% eséllyel, és ugye nem számít a plussz kockája bele a miscastba...
Wurzzag viszont odakúr a varázslóknak... és a +3A +3S 6++ egész jó közelharcost tud csinálni egy shámiból is Smile


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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Toma 2011-02-11, 11:53 am

Boci írta:Hát..meglehetősen megoszlanak a vélemények... az biztos, hogy nem lett annyira kikúrt táp sereg, mint a Skaven, mert sok dolgot gyengítettek is az eddigiekhez képest, amellett, hogy lett pár új móka.
Meglátjuk, hogy mit tudnak kihozni belőle a Fijúk...
A mágia szerintem elég kaki lett, a magic itemektől meg haragosak lesztek úgy hiszem (legalábbis a mennyiségük miatt biztos)
át sok szerencsét márciustól Wink

Mondjuk a mostani spelleinkhez képest ezek egész színesek... persze teljesen majom módon írja le a srác, meg gondolom a fele máshogy lesz. De eddig mi volt?
magic missile 6 féle,
egy saját csapat tápolás,
és 6-os újradobatása...

12 spellből 5 típusú... ennél sokkal rosszabb nem lehet.

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-11, 10:56 am

Hát..meglehetősen megoszlanak a vélemények... az biztos, hogy nem lett annyira kikúrt táp sereg, mint a Skaven, mert sok dolgot gyengítettek is az eddigiekhez képest, amellett, hogy lett pár új móka.
Meglátjuk, hogy mit tudnak kihozni belőle a Fijúk...
A mágia szerintem elég kaki lett, a magic itemektől meg haragosak lesztek úgy hiszem (legalábbis a mennyiségük miatt biztos)
át sok szerencsét márciustól Wink


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Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.
Tartózkodási hely : Budapest

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-11, 10:19 am


The attila the hun goblin (Gitilla the Hunta) is a hero choice and must join a unit of wolf riders. He has a 3+ armor save total. And a bow with quick to fire and x3 shots. His unit of wolf riders gets +1 BS and quick to fire for free. I think he was about 115 points. His unit also gets to reroll their flee and pursuit rolls.


General Rules

Animosity: Each Unit with the Animosity special rule with at least 5 moldels wit hthat rule rolls 1d6 at beginning of their players turn. 2+ nothing happens, and the unit may act normally.

You do not toll for animosity as long as you man a building.

On a roll of 1, roll a D6 again, and consult the following chart to see what happens.

1: The unit deals D6 S3 autohits to the nearest friendly unit with: at least 5 models that have the animosity rule, within 12 inches. The 'hit' unit afterwards deals D6 S3 hits to the quarreling unit. If there's no valid 'target', treat this result as a 2-5
Hordes caus 2D6 hits.
This never causes panic.
Both units may not perform any other action in this turn. The 'victim' does not have to roll for animosity this turn - they are to busy fighting back.

2-5: The unit has to declare an attack at the nearest valid enemy unit. If there is no target, the greenskins start to attack each other. Nothing happens, but the unit may not move, attack, shoot or cast spells for the following turn.

6. "Who's da best? Yes, dat's us. Let's get 'em!" The unit is aligned towards the nearest enemy unit and performs a regular move action towards that unit (it may not march, and stops 1 inch before enemy units. ). Afterwards, the unit may act normal. If there is no visible opponent the unit moves straight forward.
EG: A unit of Goblin Wolf Riders rolls a 1, followed by a 6, for animosity. You measure the distance to all enemy units, and find that a unit of Highelf Reavers, standing 20" away in their flank, is the nearest unit. The goblins are now turned on spot (as they would be if they were to persue an enemy) and are moved 9 inches towards the reavers afterwards. They may declare a charge, move, march or fire their weapons at will.

A model with a Choppa increases it's strength characteristics by 1 for each first round of close combat. This does not apply to mounts of any kind. It applys to magical weapons aswell.

Fear Elves:
Any Elven Unit causes fear for a unit with this special rule.

Size matters:
Orks never have to pass a panic test caused by a unit that is only composed from goblins or creatures ridden by goblins (that goes for the arachnarok spider aswell)

You may have one unit total per army.


Ork Warbosses (any kind)
Profile the same. Orc Warbosses have light armour, black orc warbosses heavy armour as standard loadout.

Waaagh! Special rule.
Once per game, a Orc Warboss who is the army general of any kind (Savage or Black or Vanilla) may declare a Waaagh, after he declared a valid charge. For the rest of the turn all units of Boar Boys (any kind) or Orcs (any kind) that have at least 5 models gain +1 on their combat resolution. The Generals unit gains +D3 instead. (Yes, that rule is lame.)

Surpress Animosity (Black Orc Characters) If a unit fails their animosity check, the Boss deals D6 S5 hits, that may not be allocated to the boss and never cause panic.

Shaman - no change.

I don't know if it was the case earlier, but great orc shaman may mound a wyvern now.


Arrar Boys Boss gains +1 BS instead of +1 A/WS

Boar Boys:
No changes in stats. Come with a hand weapon and light armour at moderate point costs. Big un upgrade and weapons upgrades are a little cheaper. Overall I personally still don't deem them worthy...

Orc Chariot
No changes. Keeps spears and the option on 3rd crew member.

Black Orcs
Points dropped (or point drop), gained ItP

Savage ORcs
Savage orcs gain the impact-spear. It'S a unit upgrade that can be taken once. The unit deals D3 S5 impact hits (which deal D3 wounds at large creatures) as long as it has at least 1 rank of 5 models behind the first.. You have to nominate 1 model that causes the hits at the beginning of close combat.

Savage Boar Boys
Savage Boar Boys gain +1 attack from fighting with 2 handweapons, but they suffer casulties for dangerous terrain on a roll of 1-2.

Goblin Bosses (any kind) - no changes. They may NOT declare a Waaagh.

Goblin Shaman
Night Goblin Shaman now have magic shrooms (don't know what they are called) as a default loadout. they have to take one at east attempt to cast a spell. They add D6 on their casting attempt.
This is not counted a power dice and therefor may not trigger irresistable force. If the goblin rolls a 1 for the shroom he loses a wound on a roll of 4+ and the cast is automatically considered a miscast (meaning it fails) as long as he doesn't roll irresistable force with the power dice.

Upgrade costs at the same price as skaven clanrats.
Nigh Goblins may get to pic either bows or spears for free instead.
Sneaky Gitz (those new chars) are treated as characters and may not leave the unit. They are hidden just as skaven/DE assassins, nut have to be revealed at 1st round of cc. they may be targetted individually.
Thay gain killing blow at first round of combat.
They have a S of 3, 2 A, WS 2.

Goblin Wolfriders
remain light cavallery with 4+ AS.

Goblin Chariots
the same, same options.

Rock Lobba - the same

Spear Chukka:
If you roll a 1 to hit you roll on the misfire chart of Stonethrowers from the rulebook.

Doom Divers
Fires like a Stonethrower, but still deals D6 S5 hits with no AS allowed.
You may hit several units with the doom diver theoratically, as you use his base (the winged guy on the skimemr base) to determine who's hit.

May move across obstacles and Buildings without penaltys, but not end their movement atop of them (or in them)
They can fight in buildings and keep all benefits from being mounted. Mount and rider count as 1 model.

Arachnarok Spider
Where to start?
ItP, causes Terror, Large Target, Stubborn, Fast Movement, Wallclimber (may move over buildings like Spider Riders), Poisoned attacks (spider only)

All attacs in CC are fought against the Spider. You cannot attack the goblin crew in any way. If it's mounted by a great shaman the shaman is hit by all ranged attacks on a roll of 5+

It has a Crew of 8 goblins armed with bows and spears.

Poisoned blow: befor rolling to hit with the spider you have to pick one of it'S attacks and roll that seperate. This attack deals multiple wounds (D6)

Netlobber is a Stone thrower with S 1(3), units hit suffer from always strikes last until the End of the spiders NEXT turn (3 rounds of cc totally). It may fire and move, but not march. Misfire means it just doesn't fire at all.

Shrine: +2 to channel for all friendly mages within 12", shaman on top gains Master of Lores

Fanatics: The same as before, only that they are counted as being in light cover.

Squigs: No characters may join squig herds.

Squig Rider
Cavallery, skirmishers. If you roll a triple 6 for movement, each squig causes impact hit (1)
Giant Cave Squig: A character mounted on a giant cave squig may join squig riders. Ig he does the unit may reroll their movement roll.

Squig fanatics:
S6, T4, W3.
They move 3D6 inches until they come in contact wit a unit. From there on they act like fanatics. Counting to be in light cover.

Work like fanatics, only that they deal 2D6 S6 armourpiercing attacks.

Trolls: Same as before
Stone Trolls: 5+ scaly save, MR (2)

River Trolls: as befor.

Snotlings: Special Coice.
Boom shroom: Boom shrooms are a thrown wapon that hits automatically and ignores armour saves.

snotling chariot
several upgrades, like dealing stronger impact hits, first impact hits ignore armour saves, more movement, etc.

Gorbad Ironclaw

His wapon grant him ASF, ignores Armour saves and causes multiple wounds (d3)
Works as General and BSB within 18 inches all the time
you may field as many biguns as you want with gorbad
as long as he lives all units within 18 inches from him get a bonus of his current wounds on their rolls on the animosity chart.

Lvl 3 Wizard using lore of death
all orcs within 18 inches of azhag have to reroll failed animosity checks

Lvl 4 wizard
Furry Squig: may store up to 1 power or dispel dice per (regarding who's turn it is) to be used in the next magic phase. (either as a power or dispel dice)
Has MR (3) and may reroll miscast rolls.
5+ wardsave through his warpaint
His mask contains the spell "Destructive Glare", see magic section later on.

Wurrzagh's Fury: Curse spell, 8+. all enemy casters within 12 " have to roll 1 d6. They are removed from play with no saves allowed on a roll of 6 (ezt szerintem elírta a srác mert elvileg csak békává változtatja őket Smile), including their mounts. For each killd wizard Wurrzhag gains 1 die in his furry squig, and the capacity for stored dice is increased by 1.

no change, but he may declare a Waaagh which affects all Goblin infantry or cavallery in adition to all orc units.

Skarsniks weapon contains a bound spell, level 5: Deals D3 S6 hits with no armour saves allowed. Increased to D6 hits if he'S within 12 " to a night goblin horde.

At the beginning of the game roll a D6 for each emeny unit. On a roll of 6 they are delayed and arrive in their owners 1st turn via reinforcements.

Nightgoblin Units that rallied after chosing 'flee' may move after regrouping, as if they were light cavallery.

Snagla Magotspitta
Spider Cavallery character. (he's a hero choice, not an upgrade.)
he has poisoned attacks and dals multiple wounds (D3) - he has a one time thrown weapon with the same rule.
He has to join a unit of spider cavallery. They get hatred (Imperium).

Gitilla the Hunta
Wolfrider Character
He and his unit of wolf riderz gain +1 BS and may reroll flee and persuit rolls.
HE has a Sultiple shots (3) Bow

Grimgore Ironhide
Looses 2 Attacks and drops in points. Same weapon, same armour.
He has a choppa (and therefor S8 in first round of combat...)
He may declare a Waaagh!
He has to join a unit of Black Orcs, and no other character may join that unit.
The unit gains hatred (everyone, every last of 'em) and increases it's weapon skill by 1 (yes, that's for free)

I'm sorry, I don't know casting values.

The small Waaagh!
Sneaky thievery: After a small waaagh spell is succesfully cast (and not dispelled), roll a D6. You gain 1 powerdice on a roll of 5+, while your oponnent loses a dispel dice. if he has no more dispel dice, this has no effect.

Base spell: Naughty Stabbing
targetted unit within 12 inches gains armour piercing attacks. In adition they may reroll hits and wounds when they attack an enemy in the flank or rear.

1st spell: Destructive Glare
magic missile, 24". Deals 2D6 S3 hits, or if boosted, 3D6 S3 hits.

2nd spell: Gift of the Spider God
targetted friendly unit gets poisoned attacks, or the effect of exsisting poison is increased to 5+.

3rd spell: Itching
Targetted enemy unit reduces it's Movement and Initiative characteristics by D6 (minimum of 1). Units with the random movement rule reduce the dice rolled to determine their movement by D3 (and still suffer D6 penalty on their I score)

4: Gork will fix it:
Targeted enemy unit has to reroll all To hit, to wound and armour saves of 6.

5: Nightshroud.
casters unit is treated as being in light cover. All enemy units getting in b2b ontact with the affected unit have to take a test for dangerous terrain. May be expanded to all friendly units within 12".

6: Bad Moon's Curse
RiP, Magic Whirl. 3" template, moved 4D6 in a straight line away from the caster in a direction of his chosing. All models touched by the template have to pass a test on the following characteristic, or louse one wound with no AS allowed (roll a D6 to determine the characteristic):
1-2: Initiative
3-4: toughness
5-6: strength.
May be boosted to 5" template and characteristic of the wizard's chosing.

Big Waagh!
As long as there are more Orc units in CC than there are fleeing Orc units the strength characteristic of all spells from the big Waaagh is increased by 1.

Base Spell: Mork (or Gork)'s gaze: Draw a 4D6" line away from the caster. Each model touched suffers a S4 hit. May be boosted to 6D6

1st spell: Brainbursta: Pick one enemy model within LoS and 18". Targetted model gains 1 S5 hit. May boost range.

2nd spell: Gorks Fists: Caster gains +3A, +3 S and 6+ ward save. RiP.

3rd spell: Gorks hand:
Pick one model from the frst rank of targetted friendly unit. Place it with alignement of your chosing within 3D6 inches of former location, and arrange the unit in same formation around it. May be boosted to 5D6.

4th spell: Headbutt
Targeted enemy caster within 4D6 inches suffers a S4 multiple wounds (D3) hit withou AS. Range may be boosted to 6D6.

5th spell: Let's get going:
Affacts all friendly orc units within "d& inches. They may reroll to hit rolls in Close combat.

6th spell: Gorks Feet.
Place the Gork's Feet template (yes, it's back.) within 36 inches of the shaman, and scatter it D6 inches. all touched models suffer a S6 hit that causes multiple wounds (D3)

afterwards, roll a D6.
1: Gork Slippes (or was shoved by Mork) and stomps upon one of your own units
2-3: Gork Wanders off (spell ends)
4+: stomp again (either a different unit, or the same one.)


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Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.
Tartózkodási hely : Budapest

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Toma 2011-02-10, 3:54 pm

Boci írta:Nyilván most már nem te mint generális (AKA játékos) fogod elüvölteni a Waagh-ot, hanem meghatározott karakter (gondolom ez csak ork lehet és fel lesz tüntetve a tulajdonságai között) és nagyon úgy néz ki, hogy Gobbókra nem fogsz dobni csak az orkokra.
Amúgy ha nézegeted a warseert sok egyéb dolgot is megtalálsz az új kiadással (és a régivel is) kapcsolatban...
Mellesleg mindenkinek érdemes felnézni szerintem néha, főleg a seregtaktikákkal kapcsolatosan van sok hasznos dolog.

nincs nekem erre idom teso... ezt olvasom, ami erdekes, azt kuldd el... WOC-os ellenstratégiát nem kell a többi jöhet mindig! Smile

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-10, 3:43 pm

Nyilván most már nem te mint generális (AKA játékos) fogod elüvölteni a Waagh-ot, hanem meghatározott karakter (gondolom ez csak ork lehet és fel lesz tüntetve a tulajdonságai között) és nagyon úgy néz ki, hogy Gobbókra nem fogsz dobni csak az orkokra.
Amúgy ha nézegeted a warseert sok egyéb dolgot is megtalálsz az új kiadással (és a régivel is) kapcsolatban...
Mellesleg mindenkinek érdemes felnézni szerintem néha, főleg a seregtaktikákkal kapcsolatosan van sok hasznos dolog.

Mellesleg GW honlapján fent van pár "sample" army lista az új könyv alapján pontokból ki lehet számolgatni, hogy mi mennyi és jól látszanak a slotok is (és hogy van Skarsnik is nem vették el Smile)


A hozzászólást Boci összesen 1 alkalommal szerkesztette, legutóbb 2011-02-10, 3:54 pm-kor.


Hozzászólások száma : 1534
Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.
Tartózkodási hely : Budapest

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Toma 2011-02-10, 3:26 pm

Boci írta:

You have to have a lord or hero that has the WAAAG ability and it only effects orcs.

The last thing that I remember at the moment is that there is a Bad Moon Banner that gives that basically makes a unit stubborn[/size]

Ez a zászló most is van, de csak NG unittot tesz stubborn-a... tapos mi? LD 5 !? há hogy?

Ezt nem értem amit a WAAGH-rol ír... kimaradt valami, vagy én vagyok a lém? Csak bizonyos karakterek fogjak tudni mondani, hogy WAARGH es az effekt csak orkokra hat? (ha igen akkor ez az ability megint vmi új dolog...)

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-10, 2:00 pm

Jah igen..most látom ebben pont nincs benne, de írtak mások, akik belekukkantottak szintén, hogy a kis sneaky gobbók olyasmik mint a dark elf assasin, csak elvileg nincsenek hideolva (a kis buták), van 3 attackjuk, ASF és armour piercing.
Úgy néz ki nincs külön miscast tábla, a BrB-t kell használni úgy mint mindenki más.
És a magic itemek sajnos nagyon úgy néz ki tényleg nagyon megcsappantak darabszámilag...(állítólag ez lesz a GW politikája az elkövetkezendő seregkönyvekben, hogy ezt leredukálják, mivel a BrB-ben rengeteg van)

és még egy belekukkantós mázlista hozzáfűznivalója:

Night goblins now get spears for free and nets are now 45pts.

BO are actually one point cheaper (so 12 instead of 13) and their full command is like 1 to 2 points cheaper.

Grimgor is 25pts cheaper and when taken, gives the unit of BO that he is with +1 weapon skill.

The lore attribute for the little WAAAG is that every time you successfully cast a spell you take one your opponents dispel dice and it becomes one of your power dice.

Gork'll Fix it now just makes the opponent re-roll 6's instead of them counting as ones.

There is a spell in the little WAAAG that gives a unit poison, and if they already have poison then they get it on 5's and 6's.

Another spell that can reduce their initiative and movement by D3.

You have to have a lord or hero that has the WAAAG ability and it only effects orcs.

The last thing that I remember at the moment is that there is a Bad Moon Banner that gives that basically makes a unit stubborn


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Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.
Tartózkodási hely : Budapest

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Hírek/Bejelentések - Page 38 Empty Re: Hírek/Bejelentések

Témanyitás  Toma 2011-02-10, 1:34 pm

Boci írta:Némi sneak peek a seregkönyvből... study

I saw the book at the local store today and can confirm a number of items:

- Animosity works like it used to, if you roll a 1 for the unit, roll again. On a 1, they do some damage to nearby units, on a 6 they move forward (not march)

- All orc weapons are "choppas" aka they all grant +1 str in the first round. So yes, a choppa spear is also +1 strength and a great weapon is +3 strength in the first round.

- Common goblins get half point upgrades and the skulky stalkers are only 10 points each

- Big un upgrade is only 2 points now

- Savage orcs get a big spear thing ( i forget the name) that gives the unit d3 impact hits which do d3 wounds on large targets

- Spider riders do not have to dismount to assault a building, although they still cannot occupy it.

- Goblin Wolf chariots can be bought in units of up to 3 models and are slightly cheaper than currently.

- Black orcs are pretty much the same but now have immune to psychology

- Boar Boyz, of both types, are cheaper.

- Regular trolls are now special choices while stone/river trolls are still in rare ( and they are cheaper than they used to be as well)

- Pump Wagons can now be upgraded to increase their strength and movement as well as other things

- Rock Lobbers are now rare choices

- Doom divers can now correct their scatter by d6 inches instead of d3.

- There is a new rare unit called the mangler squig which is basically like a fanatic but does 2d6 STR 6 hits on enemy units. However, once it hits an enemy unit it goes crazy and moves in a random direction.

- The new giant spider monster has 8 wounds and the crew cannot be killed. 4+ Armor save, stubborn ( 99% sure on that), poison attacks, and one of its attacks is poisoned and does d6 wounds. It can be upgraded to have a STR1 (3) stone thrower that gives any enemy unit it touches the always strike last special rule. Or if a goblin great shaman is mounted on it, it can have some sort of upgrade that gives all friendly casters +2 on their channel attempts and gives the goblin the loremaster ability.

- The Waaaagh Spell is gone.

- The foot of gork/warpath spell now is a template that scatters d6 inches.... (dear god, thats a lot of damage!)

- There is an orc spell that lets you pick up a unit and move them 3d6 inches or 5d6 inches. AKA the hand of gork comes and grabs them and moves them where you want in any facing.

- There is only about 8 magic items to chose from, and none of them were really that impressive.

Ezek szinte túl jól hangzanak sztem... remélem az utolsót úgy érti, hogy 8 új... és nem pedig kevesebb lesz... nem a tápolás kell, hanem a színesítés jegyezném meg rögtön...
egy két dolog amugy ha igy lesz az elegge imbalance lesz sztem... persze majd elválik... meg jön nyilván majd a sok módosítás.


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Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.

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Témanyitás  Toma 2011-02-10, 1:24 pm

Dugó írta:Az army Book az régi de a spell deck-et most adták ki..mér nem írták rájuk rendesen a spell tipe-ot ??,

ork seregkönyv már lesz márciusban!:-)...Bazsi biztos megveszi!

Szerinted én nem? Lehet megvárom március idusát... pontosabban 19.-ét, mert akkorra igérnek még egy adag új modellt... akkor aztán elborul az agyam és megveszek MINDENT!!!! 2*!!! Very Happy

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Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-10, 11:51 am

Némi sneak peek a seregkönyvből... study

I saw the book at the local store today and can confirm a number of items:

- Animosity works like it used to, if you roll a 1 for the unit, roll again. On a 1, they do some damage to nearby units, on a 6 they move forward (not march)

- All orc weapons are "choppas" aka they all grant +1 str in the first round. So yes, a choppa spear is also +1 strength and a great weapon is +3 strength in the first round.

- Common goblins get half point upgrades and the skulky stalkers are only 10 points each

- Big un upgrade is only 2 points now

- Savage orcs get a big spear thing ( i forget the name) that gives the unit d3 impact hits which do d3 wounds on large targets

- Spider riders do not have to dismount to assault a building, although they still cannot occupy it.

- Goblin Wolf chariots can be bought in units of up to 3 models and are slightly cheaper than currently.

- Black orcs are pretty much the same but now have immune to psychology

- Boar Boyz, of both types, are cheaper.

- Regular trolls are now special choices while stone/river trolls are still in rare ( and they are cheaper than they used to be as well)

- Pump Wagons can now be upgraded to increase their strength and movement as well as other things

- Rock Lobbers are now rare choices

- Doom divers can now correct their scatter by d6 inches instead of d3.

- There is a new rare unit called the mangler squig which is basically like a fanatic but does 2d6 STR 6 hits on enemy units. However, once it hits an enemy unit it goes crazy and moves in a random direction.

- The new giant spider monster has 8 wounds and the crew cannot be killed. 4+ Armor save, stubborn ( 99% sure on that), poison attacks, and one of its attacks is poisoned and does d6 wounds. It can be upgraded to have a STR1 (3) stone thrower that gives any enemy unit it touches the always strike last special rule. Or if a goblin great shaman is mounted on it, it can have some sort of upgrade that gives all friendly casters +2 on their channel attempts and gives the goblin the loremaster ability.

- The Waaaagh Spell is gone.

- The foot of gork/warpath spell now is a template that scatters d6 inches.... (dear god, thats a lot of damage!)

- There is an orc spell that lets you pick up a unit and move them 3d6 inches or 5d6 inches. AKA the hand of gork comes and grabs them and moves them where you want in any facing.

- There is only about 8 magic items to chose from, and none of them were really that impressive.


Hozzászólások száma : 1534
Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.
Tartózkodási hely : Budapest

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Témanyitás  Dugó 2011-02-09, 11:32 pm

Az army Book az régi de a spell deck-et most adták ki..mér nem írták rájuk rendesen a spell tipe-ot ??,

ork seregkönyv már lesz márciusban!:-)...Bazsi biztos megveszi!

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Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-09, 5:51 pm

A válasz egyszerű..a Skaven AB még a 8. megjelenése előtt jött ki, valszeg mikor elkezdték készíteni, még nem voltak pontos meghatározások..
Amúgy mire ebből sereg lesz lejátszunk még pár csatát..


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Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.
Tartózkodási hely : Budapest

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Témanyitás  Dugó 2011-02-09, 5:47 pm

Na jön a táp hétszanetség...a kérdés csak az hogy a kihívásos csatámmal várjak e az új könyvig?:-))))

Csak azt nem értem hogy ha már az Ork spelleknél vették a fáradtságot és beleírták a Magic Cardokba, hogy milyen tipusú a spell..akkor az 1 hónappal ezelőtt kiadott Skavenbe mé nem?
Még mindig nem tiszta egy két spell hogy mi is...


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Témanyitás  Toma 2011-02-09, 4:29 pm

Boci írta:Íme a 2 Signature Spell az új O&G seregkönyvből:

Gaze of Mork (Ork Signature Spell) cast on 7+

Gaze of Mork is a direct damage spell. Extend a streight line, 4D6" in length, within the Shaman's forward arc and directly away from his base. Any model whose base falls under the line suffers a Strength 4 hit. The Shaman can choose to extend the range of the spell to 8D6". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 18+

Sneaky Stabbin' (Goblin Signature Spell) cast on 6+

Sneaky Stabbin' is an argument spell with a range of 12".
The target unit's close combat attacks have the Armour Piercing special rule until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. In addition until the start of the caster's next Magic phase members of the target unit can re-roll all failed To Hit and To Wound rolls when attacking in close combat againts an enemy's flank or rare.

Ami még kisneakelhető:
Ork boyz alap 6 pont/darab HW/Light Armour
Gorbad + a malac Smile 375 pont
Azhag + Muncha 550 pont
Grimgor 355 pont
Wurrzag 350 pont
Grom és kicsiny szekere 285 pont

A hírek úgy szólnak hogy március 5. lesz a rendelési idő és valószínűleg március 19-én jön egy újabb adag preorder cucc.

Ebben az esetben március 20.-án nagyobb tételt rendelek az angol földről! Very Happy

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Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-09, 3:50 pm

Íme a 2 Signature Spell az új O&G seregkönyvből:

Gaze of Mork (Ork Signature Spell) cast on 7+

Gaze of Mork is a direct damage spell. Extend a streight line, 4D6" in length, within the Shaman's forward arc and directly away from his base. Any model whose base falls under the line suffers a Strength 4 hit. The Shaman can choose to extend the range of the spell to 8D6". If he does so, the casting value is increased to 18+

Sneaky Stabbin' (Goblin Signature Spell) cast on 6+

Sneaky Stabbin' is an argument spell with a range of 12".
The target unit's close combat attacks have the Armour Piercing special rule until the start of the caster's next Magic phase. In addition until the start of the caster's next Magic phase members of the target unit can re-roll all failed To Hit and To Wound rolls when attacking in close combat againts an enemy's flank or rare.

Ami még kisneakelhető:
Ork boyz alap 6 pont/darab HW/Light Armour
Gorbad + a malac Smile 375 pont
Azhag + Muncha 550 pont
Grimgor 355 pont
Wurrzag 350 pont
Grom és kicsiny szekere 285 pont

A hírek úgy szólnak hogy március 5. lesz a rendelési idő és valószínűleg március 19-én jön egy újabb adag preorder cucc.


Hozzászólások száma : 1534
Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.
Tartózkodási hely : Budapest

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Témanyitás  Toma 2011-02-09, 3:17 pm

Boci írta:Aztaki*szot atttyaúristen Very Happy


seregkönyv sample oldalán 5 nevesített lord és ez csak egy oldal Very Happy
Savage ork big stabba ROFL tényleg ketten visznek egy fegyvert D3 impact D3 wound a nagyok ellen Very Happy
és a kis gyp assasin black gobbók Very Happy
"We get to strike first (cos we're super quick) and all our attacks are armour piercin' (cos we sharpen our blades real good). If we iz really really fast, we can even lop of their head or stab 'em in da groin before dey even know wats 'appened."

super NEED!

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Témanyitás  Boci 2011-02-09, 2:28 pm

Aztaki*szot atttyaúristen Very Happy


seregkönyv sample oldalán 5 nevesített lord és ez csak egy oldal Very Happy
Savage ork big stabba ROFL tényleg ketten visznek egy fegyvert D3 impact D3 wound a nagyok ellen Very Happy
és a kis gyp assasin black gobbók Very Happy
"We get to strike first (cos we're super quick) and all our attacks are armour piercin' (cos we sharpen our blades real good). If we iz really really fast, we can even lop of their head or stab 'em in da groin before dey even know wats 'appened."


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Join date : 2011. Jan. 12.
Tartózkodási hely : Budapest

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Témanyitás  Skulltaker 2011-02-09, 1:36 pm

lol !!! Smile

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